Study Visit to Austria and the Czech Republic
24-30, 2015)
I state with immense pleasure that with the support
of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan I have been
represented as a staff member of Azerbaijan University of Languages at the
"Implementation of the Bologna Process" training program held on May
24-30, 2015 in Austria and the Czech Republic. Visiting these two countries
within a short period of time and taking part in various meetings at higher education
institutions, Ministry of Education, Quality Assurance Agencies and other
institutions in both countries were significantly important to me.

In the next
days, we held meetings at several universities having a long history such as
Palacky, Masaryk, Charles universities as well as the Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports and the University of Econmics, Prague. At the Czech
institutions mentioned above, we were familiarized with the development of
higher education, reform and professional development, developing internal QA
system, the role and status of students in this process, their representation
as well as obligations of students in QA, doctoral programs, implementation of
the Bologna process in Czech higher education system, accreditation
commissions, rules of reform and self-governance of higher education
I would like to include in my report a number of
issues that caught my attention:
viewpoint on education management, necessary knowledge and skills as well as
experience of various institutions
role of different degrees, levels and methods used in QA at higher education
of curricula and its effect on QA in the educational process
It can be concluded that higher education
institutions and leading authorities in the field operate with excellent
education standards and norms on the basis of form and structure pursuant to
the requirements of the Bologna process. The management of education systems is
carried out online in order to ensure the transparency of the activity of
higher education institutions as well as conduct monitoring and evaluation
within universities. Other interesting issues include conducting internal and
external evaluation, rating department staff and its mechanism. The work done
to enhance the scientific potential of universities and improve their rankings
can also be considered significant. Benefiting from international experience in
order to comply with modern norms of education and
participating at a variety of international projects serve to improve the
reputation of higher education institutions.
There is an interesting mechanism of internal and
external quality assurance at Palacky University. In accordance with the rules
of procedure, there are special education programs in which calculation of
credits and training mechanisms have been used. The support of the
organizations established within the university can be considered to be crucial
for conducting recruitment, the mechanism of self-evaluation of students and
evaluation of them by teachers, information and training resources, student
support, continuity of education and its completion as well as providing
students with jobs.
There are certainly no elements of nationalism in
education, but the issues of adapting national education systems to
international ones, expanding local relationships as well as the relationships between
universities and international organizations benefiting from different
international programs, elaborating student exchange programs and instructing
lessons in various foreign languages in order to increase the number of
interntional students, are being studied.
I believe that quite a lot of regular international
meetings are carried out on education management and quality assurance by the
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Inviting university
authorities to such events is a significant step. I am very confident that these
events aiming at the development of education in Azerbaijan, will help to
determine the strategic goals of education in the country and the measures to
be taken.
Vazeh Asgarov
University of Languages
for Academic Affairs
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